
Showing posts from August, 2018

Learn to express yourself through Fashion

Fashion is not a one - time thing, it's an everyday thing. It helps you to express yourself, what you're feeling, what is your mood like, etc. With fashion you can be as creative and as innovative as you wish, there are no boundaries or limits to it. More importantly you can keep your style unique to yourself, to suit your personality. Fashion is not only about the things that are trending but also what you put out together as a piece. It starts and ends with you. One of the reason this area interests me a lot is because of the huge amount of scope, you can try and test out so many things, innovate, design, & create n number of styles. In this blog I will be talking about some of my most recent styles that I'm head over heels for, how I wore them, accessories I wore along, occasion that I wore them for and much more. You will also be able to find all links to all the items mentioned, towards the end of this blog. So the very first style that I'm totally obses